More than 450 million people would have used Shopify by 2020. In terms of Gross Merchandise Volume, the corporation processed more than $120 billion. Shopify is a well-known reality that is rapidly expanding.
Shopify unveiled a variety of new features on Tuesday, June 29, 2021, targeted at making the platform more customisable for everyone running a Shopify store. Shopify retailers will benefit from a slew of new features and themes in Shopify 2.0.
According to Shopify, the Online store 2.0 is the result of the most significant rewrite of the Liquid language, which it employs for template creation.
If you’re already a Shopify customer, you can upgrade your app to version 2.0.0 or above. Updates to the Shopify Insight Card and orders that appear in the customer timeline, as well as the ability to conduct actions directly from customer, are included in this upgrade. See the Shopify Release Notes for additional details on what’s new in this release.
Because Shopify has been one of most popular integrations, our team set out in August to make it even more powerful. Our goal was to dig deeper than normal reporting to uncover key metrics that teams should be following and that can serve as leading indicators for future goals. A handful of the new metrics in the upgrade are listed below:
- Customer Lifetime Value
- Order Value on Average
- Average Reordering Time
- Customers’ Orders
- 1000 Orders / Returns
The Shopify 2.0 is a fantastic method to integrate your Shopify store inside your app. You have more freedom with your products in your app now that you have greater control over your store!
The Shopify 2.0 feature is a fantastic addition to our previous Shopify function, since it allows you to not only import products from your Shopify store, but also manage how they’re displayed in your app. You can also construct unique collections of goods and add actions like the ability to phone in for future availability of a sold-out product.
What is the Shopify 2.0 function and how can I use it?
the Shopify 2.0 functionality not only allows you to import products from your Shopify store into your app, but it also allows you to customise how they’re displayed. There are some additional steps that need to be completed in order to completely sync up your Shopify store with this added feature, but don’t worry, we’ll go through them all! First and foremost, we’ll go over what you’ll need to accomplish on Shopify’s end.
The Online Store 2.0’s new features begin with a new editing experience. Using the new editor, merchants can create storefronts from the ground up, add numerous theme extensions, and manage apps within themes. The goal of the new editor was to bring all of the existing features and functions together in one place.
The new standard storefront theme Dawn, which is currently in development, will be 35 percent faster than the existing default theme (according to internal estimates). The new theme will be open for developer contributions starting July 15, 2021, according to Shopify.
In addition, Shopify announced that it will considerably increase its infrastructure and developer tooling expenditures. As a result, you won’t have to deal with the hassle of re-platforming in order to create headless commerce storefronts or customise your storefronts.
The new Online Store 2.0 is a one-stop shop for all your needs. Anyone can create, setup, scale, and monetize their own Shopify store using the new store.
The New Form of Theme Architecture
The amount of blocks available inside the store was limited in the previous edition of the online store. Previously, stores had various templates that corresponded to various products. As a merchant, you now have the option of adding sections to each new page with the 2.0 edition. You could only add sections to the homepage before.
You can activate the templates for each page by using a JSON template file that describes the page’s parameters. You can use this to list all the sections of a page, as well as collection pages, custom pages, blog articles, and other items.
You can specify the sections that will appear in the JSON template files.
On a theme you instal, the template files determine which sections display by default and in what order they appear. By navigating to the theme editor after adding the template, you can add dynamic parts as theme prinstal
App Blocks and Theme App Extensions
Developers can use the theme app extensions to add a variety of features and extensions. With the aid of this, you can enhance the functionality of the merchant’s website.
There was no mechanism for apps to interface with themes previously. As a result, engineers had to create a mechanism for integrating existing themes. This made creating features that worked consistently across many themes extremely challenging. That isn’t the case now.
Metafields have been altered
Merchants may now add meta fields and properties to their themes using the new theme editor. The good news is that you won’t need any APIs or coding to accomplish this.
As a merchant, you have complete freedom to add whatever material you want to the product page, including space for additional information that may be useful to potential purchasers, such as a sizing chart or ingredient list. The meta fields can be used to update anything that isn’t likely to display in the shop editor.
They changed meta fields in a variety of ways, as seen below.
- Metafields are more adaptable than other types of fields. This allows you to import trade data in a secure manner.
- Metadata fields that are required: Standard meta fields make it easier for bespoke themes to get up and running on stores across all market verticals right away.
- Suggestions for presentation: For rendering store data, you can apply presentation hints to meta fields.
Setting for Liquid Input
The Liquid input setting has been added to the theme editor, allowing you to add custom Liquid code to pages directly from the editor.
The HTML and Liquid settings are very similar. The only difference is that Liquid variables are now available. Merchants can use the global Liquid objects as well as template-specific Liquid objects.
When adding code for apps utilising Liquid, the setting eliminates the need for merchants to manually alter the code of any theme.
Use the developer documentation or go to Dawn’s custom-liquid section to see the new theme.
New Developer Tools
Developers may create new apps and themes for you using the online shop 2.0, which opens up a whole new world of possibilities. The new developer tools interact with existing themes and help with testing, development, and deployment.
The Shopify GitHub integration makes using the Shopify CLI tool and theme check a breeze. Both of these tools allow you to test themes in a sandbox, which speeds up development.
Integration with Github in Shopify
The new GitHub integration makes it much easier to track and manage new theme development and maintenance. Link your GitHub account to your online store. The modifications are pushed to GitHub and pulled into a repository that is up to date on selected themes.
With the Shopify GitHub connection, you can link your user account to the Shopify admin and link Git branches to store themes. You can also make, track, and manage changes to the theme code thanks to native support for version control:
With the addition of native support for version control, the GitHub integration with themes allows developers to collaborate safely when editing themes. With version control, the integration allows developers to collaborate safely when editing themes. Developers working on a merchant store can set up workflows where modifications to themes are reviewed and merged on GitHub before being applied to a live theme.
Check Theme
Theme Check is another important component for Liquid and JSON that checks for flaws in the themes. The programme then highlights the best practises for both the Shopify platform and the Liquid language once the scan is complete.
This connects with editors such as Visual Studio and detects code errors.
Error messages with a link to the failed check show in order for you to grasp the difficulties that remain. You don’t need to instal Theme Check separately because it’s included with the Shopify CLI tool.
Other Features
Liquid Input Setting for Themes
Merchants may now add custom Liquid code directly from the editor using the new Liquid input settings. It’s very similar to the HTML preference.
With no changes to the theme code, merchants can access the global and template-specific Liquid objects. Dawn is the name of the new reference theme. It’s an open-source reference theme featuring a variety of customization and ease-of-use features. It makes use of JSON templates and app blocks from Online Store 2.0
Discounts can be found by using the Resource API
For discounts added to the checkout, the application type property is returned by the checkout resource. The method by which the discount was applied is displayed in this area.
Automatic, discount code, manual, and script are all valid values.